Doctrinal Statement
Our purpose is to train individuals for the work of the ministry; to provide Bible-centered courses, to maintain a school which nourishes the spiritual life of its students, to stimulate interest in Christian service and to serve as an instrument to strengthen the ministry of those we facilitate.
That as the body is one and has many members, all born again Believers are fitly joined into one body, and Jesus Christ is the Head of this Body, the Church. (I Corinthians 12:12-27)
That all scripture is given by inspiration of God and that the Bible is the only sufficient rule of faith and practice. (II Peter 1:20)
That Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, who in the fullness of time, was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of a virgin named Mary. (Luke 1:30-35)
That salvation of sinners is wholly of grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in virtue of His redemptive work on the cross and that neither baptism, the Lord’s Supper nor any other rite, ceremony, or work can avail for the sinners’ salvation. Christ alone saves. (Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-9, Romans 3:24-25, I Peter 2:24)
That all Christians should walk worthy of Christ in an overcoming victorious life: daily growing in grace and the knowledge of the Lord, constantly being filled with the Spirit, whom they received when they were born again.
That those who have never heard the Gospel are lost and that it is therefore, our solemn responsibility to preach the Gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15-16, Acts 1:8)
In the personal, visible, and premillenial return of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Church. (I Thessalonians 4:13-17, John 14:1-16, Rev. 20:1-6)
That the two ordinances to be observed during this age are Baptism (by immersion) and the Lord’s Supper. (Acts 8:36-39, Matthew 3:6, John 3:23, Acts 2:42).